Product Information

Nano Buckling


Purpose: Optics

These are light diffusion control sheets featuring a micro-groove structure (“Nano Buckling”). The pitch and height of surface irregularities can be controlled using our own surface microstructure formation technology, while the diffusivity, anisotropy (directional independence) and other aspects of transmitted light can also be controlled. As a result, these products are used in copiers and others that can make efficient use of anisotropy. Because they have higher transmittance than ordinary diffusion elements, they suffer little loss of lighting intensity or display brightness, leading to potential energy-saving effects.

Functions Transmittance / diffusion angle
Purpose Improved balance of LED lighting / linearization of scanner light sources / controlled light distribution of displays / light diffusion of edge lights / controlled light distribution of LED light sources
Examples of use Copiers, internal lighting of test equipment / tunnel and street lighting / display illumination (automobiles, TVs)

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